Moner Cocoa, S.A. is a 100% family-owned industrial company located in Barcelona, Spain. Moner Cocoa, S.A. produces and sells cocoa powder and cocoa butter.
Moner Cocoa, S.A. is part of the Nederland Group, which also includes Commodity, S.A., Nederland, S.A., Cacao Sampaka, S.L. and Sidcao, S.A. The Nederland Group has a total turnover that exceeds 200 million euros and a workforce of more than 120 people.
Moner Cocoa, S.A. wishes to contribute to a fair relationship among all actors of the cocoa chain worldwide, such as farmers, traders, processors and end users.
Production and sales of cocoa powder and cocoa butter with a reasonable relation between quality and price under European standards of quality and safety.
Cocoa raw materials processed: 30,000 tonnes/year
Cocoa butter: 6,000 tonnes/year
Cocoa powder: 20,000 tonnes/year
Net sales: 50 million euros
Voting member of the Federation of Cocoa Commerce (FCC)
Member of the Spanish Cocoa Association
Two types of deodorized cocoa butter are produced:
Food grade cocoa butter
USP/NF cocoa butter for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry
And seven types of fat-reduced cocoa powder are produced:
Natural cocoa powder
Light brown alkalized cocoa powder
Medium brown alkalized cocoa powder
Dark brown alkalized cocoa powder
Very dark brown alkalized cocoa powder
Reddish brown alkalized cocoa powder
Black alkalized cocoa powder
Moner Cocoa, S.A. runs three manufacturing units, two in Spain and one in Ivory Coast.
To ensure the highest product quality it is necessary to implement rigorous quality controls. The raw and auxiliary materials entering our production plant are subject to quality control, rejecting all those not meeting the requirements and limits set by our Quality Department.
Throughout the production process samples are continuously collected and analyzed in the plant’s laboratory. Before reaching the market, finished and packaged products are checked to ensure that they comply with our quality standards and specifications.
At our own laboratory we conduct daily microbiological, physicochemical and organoleptic/sensory analysis on raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.
For special tests we work with specialized external laboratories.
The Quality Control applied at Moner Cocoa, S.A. ensures that the final products meet our highest quality and safety standards as well as our customers’ requirements.
Moner Cocoa, S.A. has a quality assurance system based on the prerequisites and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) under applicable law and standards of Codex Alimentarius in all food products derived from the processing of cocoa beans.
Moner Cocoa, S.A. has a R&D team dedicated to develop new formulas for cocoa powder and cocoa butter with different characteristics in order to offer our customers products that best suit their specific needs in terms of market requirements.
Our production plant is built to allow changes in the process and on the various stage parameters. In this way, our technicians are open to new ideas or projects and implement them on an industrial scale for better development and continuous improvement.
Our Technical Department is permanently updated on market evolution, trends and industry up-to-date news to be aware of customer concerns regarding the development of new products.
Moner Cocoa, S.A. sells cocoa powder and cocoa butter to over 50 countries worldwide, being our main markets the following regions:
Actuació del Programa de desenvolupament rural de Catalunya 2014-2022 cofinançada en un 17% per:
Moner Cocoa S.A. inverteix en l’augment de la capacitat productiva i millores organitzatives mitjançant l’ampliació amb una nova línia de producció: MONER COCOA, S.A. ha dut a terme el projecte d’ampliació i millora amb una nova línia 3 del procés de molinada i transformació de tortes de cacau. Mitjançant l’ampliació i reorganització de les zones productives i la incorporació de nous equips, s’ha permès un augment de la capacitat productiva d’aquests productes derivats del cacau.
Action of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2022 co-financed by 17% by:
Moner Cocoa S.A. invests in increasing production capacity and organizational improvements through expansion with a new production line: MONER COCOA, S.A. has carried out the expansion and improvement project with a new line 3 of the cocoa cake grinding and processing process. Through the expansion and reorganization of the production areas and the incorporation of new equipment, an increase in the production capacity of these products derived from cocoa has been allowed.
Des de Moner Cocoa estem treballant i implementant mesures sostenibles en la nostra empresa. Una de les iniciatives que hem dut a terme, és el projecte “Diagnosi i Full de ruta per la Transformació Circular i la Neutralitat Climàtica”, que ha estat subvencionat amb el suport d’ACCIÓ en el marc del programa Cupons GREEN.
El projecte ha consistit en detectar iniciatives per a promoure l’economia circular en tota la seva cadena de valor per poder reduir la petjada de carboni associada a tots les seves operacions i serveis, per a poder avançar cap a un model de producció més sostenible.
At Moner Cocoa we are working on and implementing sustainable measures in our company. One of the initiatives that we have carried out is the project «Diagnosi i Full de ruta per la Transformació Circular i la Neutralitat Climàtica«, which has been subsidised with the support of ACCIÓ in the framework of the GREEN Coupons programme.
The project consisted of detecting initiatives to promote the circular economy throughout its value chain in order to reduce the carbon footprint associated with all its operations and services, in order to move towards a more sustainable production model.
Carretera de la Vila, 48
08840 Viladecans
(Barcelona) Spain
Tel. +34 936 585 411
Fax +34 936 376 764
Noi del Sucre, 45
08840 Viladecans
(Barcelona) Spain
Tel. +34 936 585 411
Fax +34 936 376 764
Coure, 6, P.I. Argenteria
43470 La Selva del Camp
(Tarragona) Spain
Tel. +34 977 845 319
Fax +34 977 845 381
Rue des Marsouins
2646 Treich Ville
Abidjan 08
Ivory Coast
Tel. +225 21 21 02 30